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The Department of Revenue receives over 6,000 returned individual income tax refund checks each year. In most cases, the returned refund checks are simply because a taxpayer has moved and did not provide an updated address to the Department. If you would like to change your address with the Department, visit the Department's address change request page for more information
To see if your refund check was returned to the Department, simply search below. You can search by Primary or Secondary first name or last name. You may also enter the first letter of a last name to view a list of all returned refund checks for last names beginning with the letter entered. Click Here to view a listing of all returned refund checks currently in our system.
If your name appears on this list, notify the Department at or by mail at: Missouri Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 2200, Jefferson City, Missouri 65105-2200. Please provide the following information in your correspondence: your name(s), last 4 digits of your social security number(s), and your correct address. Upon receipt and verification of your information, the Department will re-issue your refund check to the corrected address.